Half happy, half angry. Drawn with calligraphy pen.
Oil Painting Blog
Blog about oil paintings by Robert Dawson
New self-portrait update
Break time! Think I'm overworking it.
Color Continues
This seems to be going well but I'm not sure how well. Or when to stop.
Grayscale layer. Check.
New Self-Portrait
I like it as is but want to try Freud's technique (as I understand it).
Homage to Coffee
The composition is a bit unsettling but the overall painting is decent for an afternoon.
Step 1: Outline and block in composition
Step 2: Add darkest darks and detail to test effect
Step 3: Continue detail of all objects
Step 4: Add background
This procedure may not be viewed as mature, as working in a general to specific manner is quicker and much less stressful with regard to proportions. However, experimenting with the process is fun and I like how this turned out.